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Headlines for June 27th, 2024 | Show Rundown

We’re doing something new! Every day after Headlines airs I’ll give a text-based rundown of the show with links to each of our sources used. For those who prefer to read and to give thanks to all the hard work people around the industry are doing. Here are the video game headlines for June 27th, 2024.

Headlines for June 27th, 2024 | Show Rundown

One of today’s bigger surprises was the announcement of the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster:

Cast your minds back to 2006 – the Xbox 360 was the new hotness, and Capcom strolled up with a new game, Dead Rising, and people really dug it.

Originally developed by Capcom Japan, the game starred the hilariously brilliant and often awful protagonist ‘Frank West’, a journalist who deliberately drops in to capture first hand imagery of a zombie outbreak in an American Shopping Mall, with a desire to really make a name for himself.

The original Dead Rising did receive a remaster of sorts back in 2016. Nearly 10 years later, it looks like Capcom is giving it another scrub up with a new trailer dropping on YouTube.

The general premise of the game is quite interesting, with the game taking place over 72 ‘in-game’ hours, challenging players to take various snaps of boss-like characters called Psychopaths, in addition to other things. This mechanic awards Prestige Points, which work towards unlocking various upgrades from health, inventory space and buffs to things like power, melee and speed.

Where it gets super-interesting is narrative events can be missed because they occur at specific times within that 72 hour window – miss an important event, and you’ll have to reload to find it. There’s plenty of additional modes on offer to encourage players to play through multiple times.

Whether Capcom will make any drastic changes with Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster remains to be seen, because they have used the word ‘Remaster’ as opposed to ‘Remake.’

Time will tell! Are you looking forward to dispatching Zombies back to the afterlife with a variety of household implements? Let us know in the comments below!


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Jesse 'Doncabesa' Norris

Reviews Editor, Co-Owner, and Lead Producer for XboxEra. Father of two with a wife that is far too good for me.

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