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Tango Gameworks releases final Hi-Fi Rush update before closure.

"Thanks for all your support."

This one hurts. In a final tweet from the official Hi-Fi RUSH account on X (Formerly Twitter), Tango Gameworks have pushed out one final update for the game before they go offline.

Why are they going offline, you may be wondering? Well, despite the enormous critical success of Hi-Fi RUSH, Microsoft announced last week that the developer would be closing, alongside Arkane Austin and Alpha Dog Games.

We loved Hi-Fi Rush, and if you haven’t played it yet, you absolutely should. It’s available on Xbox Game Pass, and on PC and most recently, PlayStation 5. We’ve copied the final patch notes in this Hi-fi RUSH update for your convenience below.

Patch Notes

We’ve released a patch today that takes care of some remaining issues. Check out the changes, and thank you again for your support of Hi-Fi RUSH. You’re all rockstars!

  • (Track 01) After reducing QA-1MIL to zero health, a collision issue would occur where players would fall out of the geometry. Chai will now properly fall to the ground, instead of into the abyss.
  • (Track 01) Fixed an issue during the latter half of the 2D area whereby the camera would not follow Chai when the elevating lift falls.
  • (Track 02) Corrected a defect whereby if you touched Rekka during her electric charge, your final Rank would not correlate with the Chorus score.
  • Some issues would occur when trying to use Macaron’s Gravity Well while Rhythm Parrying an enemy. Well, this is now fixed!
  • (Track 03) Cutscenes previously would not play correctly if a Health Tank was consumed during the fight with the HG-0G. Feel free to block a few more hits with your face because this bug is fixed!
  • Fixed various text issues.
  • (Track 01) During the “Dodge Attack” tutorial, there was a discrepancy between what Smidge said and the text. The text will <NOW DISPLAY CORRECTLY>.
  • (Track 01) We also QA’d some other issues during the QA-1MIL fight, particularly around transitions between phases.
  • Fixed even more text bugs! They just don’t stop!
  • Drink prices adjusted in Vandelay vending machines to reflect local currency conversion.


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Jon "Sikamikanico" Clarke

Stuck on this god-forsaken island. Father of two, wishes he could play more games but real life always gets in the way. Prefers shorter and often smarter experiences, but Halo is King.

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